polystyrene是什么意思 polystyrene的读音、翻译、用法

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'polystyrene' 这个词语来源于英语,意为聚苯乙烯。它是一种常见的塑料材料,具有轻质、坚韧、绝缘等特点,广泛应用于包装、建筑、电器等领域。

以下是9个含有 polystyrene 的例句:

1. Polystyrene is often used as packaging material for food and electronics. (聚苯乙烯常被用作食品和电子产品的包装材料。)

2. The insulation of the building was made of polystyrene foam. (建筑的保温材料是由聚苯乙烯泡沫制成的。)

3. The plastic cups used in the party were made of polystyrene. (派对上使用的塑料杯子是由聚苯乙烯制成的。)

4. The disposable plates and cutlery were all made of polystyrene. (一次性餐盘和餐具都是由聚苯乙烯制成的。)

5. Polystyrene can be recycled and reused many times. (聚苯乙烯可以被循环利用多次。)

6. The polystyrene foam was molded into the shape of a surfboard. (聚苯乙烯泡沫被塑造成了冲浪板的形状。)

7. The ice chest was insulated with polystyrene to keep the drinks cold. (冰箱使用聚苯乙烯做保温材料,以保持饮料的冷度。)

8. The car manufacturer uses polystyrene for car parts. (汽车制造商使用聚苯乙烯来制造汽车零件。)

9. Polystyrene beads are used to stuff pillows and cushions. (聚苯乙烯珠子用来填充枕头和靠垫。)


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