prunus angustifolia是什么意思 prunus angustifolia的读音、翻译、用法

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'prunus angustifolia' 是拉丁词,代表的是狭叶李子(a type of cherry plum)。


一些包含'prunus angustifolia'的例句:

1. The prunus angustifolia tree is blooming beautifully this spring.(狭叶李子树在这个春天开满了美丽的花。)

2. The fruit from the prunus angustifolia bushes is ripe and ready to be picked.(狭叶李子灌木上的水果已经成熟,可以采摘。)

3. The bark of the prunus angustifolia is used in traditional medicine to treat coughs and sore throats.(狭叶李子的树皮在传统草药中用于治疗咳嗽和喉咙痛。)

4. The prunus angustifolia is an important part of the local ecology. (狭叶李子是当地生态系统中重要的组成部分。)

5. The sweet and juicy prunus angustifolia fruit is a delicious addition to any dessert.(甜美多汁的狭叶李子水果是任何甜点的美味补充。)

6. In some cultures, the prunus angustifolia is considered a symbol of fertility and abundance.(在一些文化中,狭叶李子被认为是生育和丰收的象征。)

7. The prunus angustifolia tree is easy to cultivate and can be grown in a variety of soil types.(狭叶李子树易于培育,可以在各种土壤类型中生长。)

8. The prunus angustifolia is a popular ornamental plant in gardens and parks.(狭叶李子是花园和公园中广受欢迎的观赏植物。)

9. The leaves of the prunus angustifolia turn a beautiful shade of red in the fall.(狭叶李子的叶子在秋天会变成美丽的红色。)


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