Macrosiphum rosae是什么意思 Macrosiphum rosae的读音、翻译、用法

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'Macrosiphum rosae'是拉丁语,中文翻译为蚜虫。

'Macrosiphum rosae'是一种常见的蚜虫,它主要寄生在玫瑰花上,会通过吸食花蜜、叶汁等营养物质来为自己提供能量。常见的翻译有玫瑰蚜、蚜虫玫瑰虫等。

以下是9个含有'Macrosiphum rosae'的例句:

1. The 'Macrosiphum rosae' infestation has caused damage to the rose bushes.('Macrosiphum rosae'的大量出现导致玫瑰花丛受到了损害。)

2. The best way to control 'Macrosiphum rosae' is by using organic neem oil.(最好的控制'Macrosiphum rosae'的方法是使用有机印楝油。)

3. The 'Macrosiphum rosae' can be identified by its green color and small size.(通过其绿色和小尺寸,可以辨认出'Macrosiphum rosae'。)

4. The leaves of the rose plant were covered in 'Macrosiphum rosae'.(玫瑰植物的叶子上布满了'Macrosiphum rosae'。)

5. The 'Macrosiphum rosae' has caused the rose buds to wilt and fall off.('Macrosiphum rosae'导致了玫瑰花蕾的凋谢和脱落。)

6. 'Macrosiphum rosae' can be controlled by using soap water solution.(使用肥皂水溶液可以控制'Macrosiphum rosae'。)

7. The 'Macrosiphum rosae' population can quickly increase in warm and humid weather conditions.(在温暖潮湿的气候条件下,'Macrosiphum rosae'人口可以迅速增加。)

8. The 'Macrosiphum rosae' is a common pest that infests rose plants.('Macrosiphum rosae'是玫瑰植物常见的害虫。)

9. The use of insecticides is not recommended for controlling 'Macrosiphum rosae' as it can harm beneficial insects.(不建议使用杀虫剂来控制'Macrosiphum rosae',因为它可能会伤害有益昆虫。)


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