verse是什么意思 verse的读音、翻译、用法

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'verse'是英语单词,翻译为“诗句、韵文”。在英语中,verse 还可以指一首诗、一段歌词或圣经中的诗句。


1. I can't remember the second verse of this song.(我记不得这首歌的第二段歌词了。)

2. Shakespeare's sonnets are some of the most famous verses in English literature.(莎士比亚的十四行诗是英国文学中最著名的诗句之一。)

3. The priest recited a verse from the Bible during the service.(牧师在仪式上朗诵了一句来自圣经的诗句。)

4. The poet's latest collection features verses about love and loss.(这位诗人最新的诗集以关于爱和失落的诗句为特色。)

5. The lyrics to this song have a beautiful verse about nature.(这首歌的歌词有一句美丽的关于自然的诗句。)

6. Can you recite the first verse of "The Star-Spangled Banner"?(你能背出《星条旗》的第一段诗句吗?)

7. This poem is composed of four verses.(这首诗由四个段落组成。)

8. The chorus is catchy, but the verses are forgettable.(合唱部分很动听,但歌词部分很容易被遗忘。)

9. Many hymns consist of several verses and a refrain.(许多赞美诗由数个诗句和一个副歌组成。)


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