integrable是什么意思 integrable的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The function f(x) is integrable on the interval [a, b]. (函数f(x)在区间[a, b]上是可积的。)

2. The integrability of a function is an important concept in calculus. (函数的可积性是微积分中的一个重要概念。)

3. This theorem states that a continuous function is integrable over a closed interval. (该定理说明了连续函数在闭区间上是可积的。)

4. The Riemann integrable functions are a subset of the Lebesgue integrable functions. (黎曼可积函数是勒贝格可积函数的子集。)

5. The integrability of a function depends on the choice of the partition of the interval. (函数的可积性取决于区间分割的选择。)

6. A function may be integrable over one interval but not integrable over another. (一个函数在某个区间上可积,但在另一个区间上不可积。)

7. The integrability of a function can be determined by checking its Riemann sums. (可以通过检查它的黎曼和来确定函数的可积性。)

8. The Henstock-Kurzweil integral is a generalized notion of integrability. (亨斯托克-库兹韦尔积分是一种广义的可积性概念。)

9. The integrability of a function is closely related to the concept of area under a curve. (函数的可积性与曲线积的概念密切相关。)


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