morchella是什么意思 morchella的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Morchellaceae家族的食用菌品种非常丰富。(拉丁语)

(翻译:The Morchellaceae family has a rich variety of edible mushroom species.)

2. 在意大利的美食市场上,黑松露是非常受欢迎的食材之一。(意大利语)

(翻译:In the Italian gastronomic market, black truffles are one of the most popular ingredients.)

3. 我们的大厨用新鲜的松露制作了一道美食。(法语)

(翻译:Our chef made a delicious dish with fresh truffles.)

4. 这种食用菌的种植需要特殊的环境和技术。(英语)

(翻译:The cultivation of this edible mushroom requires special environment and technology.)

5. 松露有着浓郁的香味,可以为任何菜肴增添味道。(西班牙语)

(翻译:Truffles have a strong aroma that can enhance the flavor of any dish.)

6. 这种食用菌的价格非常高,因为它们是非常稀有的。(德语)

(翻译:This type of edible mushroom is very expensive because they are very rare.)

7. 松露是一种天然的食材,没有添加任何人造色素或味精。(葡萄牙语)

(翻译:Truffles are a natural ingredient without any added artificial colors or MSG.)

8. 在法国南部,松露是非常普及的食材。(法语)

(翻译:In the south of France, truffles are a very popular ingredient.)

9. 松露可以用来制作各种不同风格的菜肴,例如意大利菜和法式料理。(日语)

(翻译:Truffles can be used to make various dishes of different styles, such as Italian cuisine and French cuisine.)


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