perca是什么意思 perca的读音、翻译、用法

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1. La perca es un pez de agua dulce.(西班牙语)- Perch是一种淡水鱼。

2. Il pesce persico si trova nei laghi.(意大利语)- Perch can be found in lakes.

3. Die Barsche haben eine grüne Farbe.(德语)- The perches are green in color.

4. Le perche sono pesci pregiati per la cucina.(意大利语)- Perch is a prized fish for cooking.

5. Maak kennis met de baars, een vissensoort.(荷兰语)- Meet the perch, a type of fish.

6. Щука-это рыба семейства окуневых.(俄语)- Perch is a fish belonging to the family of perches.

7. La perche est un poisson très commun en France.(法语)- Perch is a very common fish in France.

8. Barszcz jest zupą, którą często podaje się w Polsce.(波兰语)- Barszcz is a soup often served in Poland.

9. Persico arrosto con patate è un piatto tipico italiano.(意大利语)- Roast perch with potatoes is a typical Italian dish.


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