lutetium是什么意思 lutetium的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Lutetium has the highest density and melting point of all the lanthanides.(镥是稀土金属中密度和熔点最高的元素。)

2. Lutetium is used to make certain types of lasers and detectors.(镥被用于制造某些类型的激光器和探测器。)

3. Lutetium is also used in nuclear reactors and for research purposes.(镥也被用于核反应堆和研究目的。)

4. The electronic structure of lutetium is similar to that of its neighbor, ytterbium.(镥的电子结构与它的邻居钇相似。)

5. Lutetium is a rare earth metal and is found mainly in minerals such as mote and xenotime.(镥是一种稀有金属,主要存在于独居石和钆矿石等矿物中。)

6. Lutetium has a very low natural abundance and is difficult to extract from ores.(镥的自然丰度非常低,而且从矿石中提取它很困难。)

7. Lutetium is named after the Latin name for Paris, Lutetia.(镥的名称来自于拉丁文“卢泰西亚”的名称,指的是巴黎。)

8. Lutetium was first isolated in 1907 by French scientist Georges Urbain.(镥首次由法国科学家乔治·乌尔班在xx年分离出来。)

9. Lutetium has several isotopes, with the most stable being Lu-175.(镥有几种同位素,其中最稳定的是Lu-175。)


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