Yangjiang是什么意思 Yangjiang的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 'Yangjiang'是中国的一个城市名。

2. 翻译为英文为“Yangjiang”,意为“阳江”。

3. Yangjiang市是中国广东省西部的一个地级市,地处珠江三角洲腹地,位于广东省中西北部。


1. 每年春节,我都会回家乡阳江过年。

During the Spring Festival every year, I will go back to my hometown Yangjiang to celebrate.

2. 阳江有很多海鲜,特别是蚝。

Yangjiang has a lot of seafood, especially oysters.

3. 我的外公外婆在阳江生活了一辈子。

My grandparents lived in Yangjiang all their lives.

4. 阳江是一个非常适合旅游的城市。

Yangjiang is a city that is very suitable for tourism.

5. 阳江的手工刀具非常有名,我在那里买了一把厨刀。

Yangjiang's hand-crafted knives are very famous, and I bought a kitchen knife there.

6. 我们去阳江旅游,看到了很多热带植物和动物。

We went to Yangjiang for a sightseeing trip and saw many tropical plants and animals.

7. 阳江的夏天非常炎热,冬天则比较凉爽。

Summer in Yangjiang is very hot, while winter is relatively cool.

8. 阳江的人们喜欢吃海鲜,他们的烤牡蛎非常好吃。

People in Yangjiang like to eat seafood, and their grilled oysters are very delicious.

9. 阳江的刀具工艺历史悠久,非常有名,许多人都会去那里买原装的刀具。

Yangjiang's knife- craft has a long history and is very famous. Many people go there to buy original knives.


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