Tujia是什么意思 Tujia的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Tujia people have a long history and rich culture. (土家族有着悠久的历史和丰富的文化。)

2. Tujia language is a unique language that belongs to the Tibeto-Burman language family. (土家语是属于藏缅语族的独特语言。)

3. Tujia embroidery is a famous traditional handicraft in China. (土家绣是中国著名的传统手工艺品。)

4. Tujia people are known for their singing and dancing skills. (土家族以其唱歌和舞蹈技巧而闻名。)

5. Tujia buildings are usually made of wood and stone, and have a unique style. (土家族的建筑通常由木头和石头制成,具有独特的风格。)

6. Tujia food is spicy and delicious. (土家族的食物辣味十足,非常美味。)

7. Tujia costume is colorful and intricate. (土家族的服装色彩丰富、精美复杂。)

8. Tujia customs and traditions are deeply rooted in their daily life. (土家族的习俗和传统深深根植于他们的日常生活中。)

9. Tujia folk songs are an important part of their cultural heritage. (土家族的民歌是其文化遗产的重要组成部分。)


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