loquat是什么意思 loquat的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 'loquat'是英语中的词语,中文翻译为“枇杷”。

2. 枇杷是一种落叶果树,果实呈椭圆形或近球形,肉质多汁、味甜,富含蛋白质、维生素C、B族维生素、糖类等营养成分。

3. 以下是九个含有'loquat'的例句:

- I love eating loquats in the summer.(我喜欢夏季吃枇杷。)

- Loquat trees are common in Southern China.(枇杷树在中国南方很常见。)

- Do you know how to make loquat jam?(你会制作枇杷酱吗?)

- The loquat flowers smelled sweet in the air.(枇杷花的香气在空气中弥漫。)

- I picked some loquats from the tree for a snack.(我从树上摘了些枇杷来做点心。)

- Loquat leaves are often used in traditional Chinese medicine.(枇杷叶常用于传统中医。)

- She made a delicious loquat pie for dessert.(她制作了一款美味的枇杷派作为甜品。)

- Loquat juice is a refreshing drink on a hot day.(在炎热的天气里,喝点枇杷汁是一种令人振奋的饮品。)

- The loquat harvest was bountiful this year.(今年的枇杷收成很丰富。)


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