enterovirus是什么意思 enterovirus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The majority of enterovirus infections are asymptomatic or cause mild symptoms.(大多数肠道病毒感染是无症状或引起轻微症状的。)

2. Infected individuals can transmit the enterovirus through -oral or respiratory routes.(感染者可通过粪-口或呼吸道途径传播肠道病毒。)

3. Enterovirus outbreaks typically occur in the summer and fall.(肠道病毒爆发通常发生在夏季和秋季。)

4. There is currently no specific treatment for enterovirus infections.(目前没有特定的治疗肠道病毒感染的方法。)

5. Enterovirus infections can be prevented by practicing good hygiene, such as frequent hand washing.(通过保持良好的卫生习惯,如经常洗手,可以预防肠道病毒感染。)

6. In rare cases, enterovirus infections can lead to severe complications, such as paralysis or death.(在罕见情况下,肠道病毒感染可能会导致严重的并发症,如瘫痪或死亡。)

7. The enterovirus can survive in the environment for several days, disinfection and cleaning important measures for controlling its spread.(肠道病毒可以在环境中存活数天,因此消毒和清洁是控制其传播的重要措施。)

8. Enterovirus infections are more common in children than in adults.(肠道病毒感染在儿童中比成年人更为常见。)

9. A vaccine for enterovirus is currently in development.(目前正在研制肠道病毒疫苗。)


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