boreal是什么意思 boreal的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The boreal forests of Canada are home to a wide variety of wildlife.(加拿大的北方森林是许多野生动物的家园。)

2. The boreal climate is characterized by long, cold winters and short, cool summers.(北方气候以漫长寒冷的冬季和短暂凉爽的夏季为特点。)

3. The boreal region is known for its vast expanses of untouched wilderness.(北方地区以广阔的未开发野生地区而闻名。)

4. Many birds migrate to the boreal region in the summer to breed.(许多鸟儿在夏季飞往北方繁殖。)

5. Boreal forests are important for the global carbon cycle.(北方森林对全球碳循环至关重要。)

6. Boreal lakes are often clear and cold, with a high concentration of fish.(北方湖泊通常清澈而寒冷,鱼类密度很高。)

7. Boreal trees, such as spruce and pine, are well adapted to the cold climate.(北方树木,如云杉和松树,很适应寒冷气候。)

8. The boreal region covers vast expanses of the northern hemisphere.(北方地区覆盖了广阔的北半球地区。)

9. The boreal forest is a valuable resource for the timber industry.(北方森林是木材工业的宝贵资源。)


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