Glycine hispida是什么意思 Glycine hispida的读音、翻译、用法

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'Glycine hispida'是拉丁语,中文翻译为长柄豆。它是一种豆科植物,又称为野大豆。长柄豆通常是一种绿肥作物,可以种植在耕地和旱地中,广泛用于土壤改良和提高农作物产量。

以下是9个含有'Glycine hispida'的例句:

1. Glycine hispida是一种重要的绿肥作物,可以改善土壤质量。

(Glycine hispida is an important green manure crop that can improve soil quality.)

2. 在中国,长柄豆常被用作绿肥,同时也是一种传统的粮食作物。

(In China, Glycine hispida is often used as a green manure and is also a traditional food crop.)

3. 这种野大豆是一种耐旱作物,可以在干旱地区进行种植。

(This wild soybean is a drought-tolerant crop and can be grown in arid regions.)

4. 许多农民在将来的夏季计划种植长柄豆来改善土壤。

(Many farmers are planning to plant Glycine hispida in the upcoming summer to improve soil.)

5. 这种豆科植物含有高蛋白和多种营养素,对人体很有益。

(This leguminous plant contains high amounts of protein and various nutrients that are beneficial to human health.)

6. 采用长柄豆作为绿肥可以减少对化肥的依赖,同时还可以保护土壤质量。

(Using Glycine hispida as a green manure can reduce reliance on fertilizers and help preserve soil quality.)

7. 长柄豆可以作为饲料,提供丰富的营养成分。

(Glycine hispida can be used as animal feed and provides rich nutritional value.)

8. 这种红色长柄豆在冬季种植,可以帮助保持土壤的温暖,并提高春季庄稼的产量。

(Planting this red Glycine hispida in winter helps to keep the soil warm and improve the yield of spring crops.)

9. 长柄豆可以种植在旁边的玉米地里,起到增加氮素、改善土壤的作用。

(Glycine hispida can be planted in adjacent corn fields to increase nitrogen and improve soil quality.)


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