Phyllotreta striolata是什么意思 Phyllotreta striolata的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 'Phyllotreta striolata'是英文词语,中文翻译为”条纹菜瓢虫”。

2. 这是一种小型的瓢虫,通常体长在3-4毫米之间,生活在草坪或农田中,以植物的嫩叶为食。

3. 以下是9个含有'Phyllotreta striolata'的例句:

- The damage caused by Phyllotreta striolata may reduce the yield of cruciferous vegetables.(Phyllotreta striolata的危害可能会降低十字花科蔬菜的产量。)

- The striped flea beetle, Phyllotreta striolata, has become a major pest in many countries.(条纹菜瓢虫已经成为许多国家的主要害虫。)

- Pesticides are often used to control the population of Phyllotreta striolata.(杀虫剂通常用于控制条纹菜瓢虫的种群。)

- The life cycle of Phyllotreta striolata varies depending on environmental conditions.(条纹菜瓢虫的生命周期会因环境条件的不同而有所变化。)

- The feeding behavior of Phyllotreta striolata can cause extensive damage to plants.(条纹菜瓢虫的取食行为可能会对植物造成广泛的损害。)

- Farmers need to be aware of the presence of Phyllotreta striolata in their fields.(农民需要注意他们田地里是否存在条纹菜瓢虫。)

- Biological control methods are being tested to manage Phyllotreta striolata populations.(正在测试生物控制方法以管理条纹菜瓢虫种群。)

- The appearance of Phyllotreta striolata can be distinguished from other flea beetles by the distinct stripes on its elytra.(通过翅鞘上明显的条纹可将条纹菜瓢虫与其他跳甲区分开。)

- The damage caused by Phyllotreta striolata can result in economic losses for vegetable farmers.(条纹菜瓢虫的危害可能会给蔬菜农民带来经济损失。)


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