Arcus是什么意思 Arcus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The arcus at the edge of the storm cloud indicates the possibility of a tornado. (在暴风云边缘出现的弧形云暗示着可能有龙卷风的存在。)

2. The arcus looked like a giant smile in the sky. (那道弧形云在天空中就像一个巨大的微笑。)

3. The photographer captured a beautiful image of the arcus and the sunset. (摄影师捕捉到了一张美丽的弧形云和日落的照片。)

4. As the storm grew closer, the arcus became more visible. (随着暴风雨越来越近,弧形云变得更加清晰可见。)

5. The rainbow's arcus spanned across the entire sky, creating a breathtaking sight. (彩虹的弧形跨越整个天空,创造出令人惊叹的景象。)

6. The arcus was a sign of the approaching thunderstorm. (弧形云是即将到来的雷暴的征兆。)

7. The arcus appeared to be reaching out and embracing the city. (弧形云看起来像是要伸出手来拥抱这座城市。)

8. The vibrant colors of the arcus contrasted with the dark clouds behind it. (弧形云鲜艳的颜色与背后的黑暗云层形成鲜明对比。)

9. The arcus slowly faded away as the storm moved further away. (随着暴风雨远去,弧形云逐渐消失。)


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