Mark Shuttleworth是什么意思 Mark Shuttleworth的读音、翻译、用法

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'Mark Shuttleworth'这个词语来源于英语,是南非的一位计算机科学家、企业家和慈善家的名字。他是Ubuntu Linux操作系统的创建者,并担任其公司Canonical的首席执行官。

以下是9个含有'Mark Shuttleworth'的例句:

1. Mark Shuttleworth founded Thawte Consulting, which specialized in digital certificates.(mark shuttleworth创立了Thawte咨询公司,专门从事数字证书业务。)

2. Mark Shuttleworth led the development of Ubuntu, which is one of the most popular Linux distributions.(Mark Shuttleworth领导开发了Ubuntu,它是最流行的Linux发行版之一。)

3. Mark Shuttleworth is a strong advocate for open source software.(Mark Shuttleworth是开源软件的坚定支持者。)

4. Mark Shuttleworth has donated millions of dollars to various charitable causes.(Mark Shuttleworth向各种慈善事业捐赠了数百万美元。)

5. Mark Shuttleworth is a successful entrepreneur who founded a number of successful companies.(Mark Shuttleworth是一位成功的企业家,创立了许多成功的公司。)

6. Mark Shuttleworth is known for his philanthropic work in education and healthcare.(Mark Shuttleworth以他在教育和医疗领域的慈善工作而闻名。)

7. Mark Shuttleworth is a member of the Order of the British Empire.(Mark Shuttleworth是大英帝国勋章的成员。)

8. Mark Shuttleworth holds degrees in finance and computer science from the University of Cape Town.(Mark Shuttleworth持有开普敦大学金融学和计算机科学学位。)

9. Mark Shuttleworth is a frequent speaker at technology conferences around the world.(Mark Shuttleworth是世界各地科技会议的常客演讲嘉宾。)


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