Apanteles glomeratus是什么意思 Apanteles glomeratus的读音、翻译、用法

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'Apanteles glomeratus'是拉丁语,翻译成中文为“簇小蜂”。它是一种小型植物性寄生性蜂类,主要寄生在许多蝴蝶的幼虫体内,是一种重要的生物防治措施。


1. Apanteles glomeratus lay its eggs inside the caterpillars of many erfly species, eventually killing the host.(簇小蜂会在许多蝴蝶的幼虫体内产,最终导致宿主死亡。)

2. The effectiveness of biological control using Apanteles glomeratus is well documented.(运用簇小蜂进行生物防治效果已有足够的记录。)

3. The introduction of Apanteles glomeratus into a field can reduce pest populations significantly.(引入簇小蜂到田间地头可以显著减少害虫数量。)

4. Apanteles glomeratus is commonly used in organic farming as a natural pest control method.(簇小蜂常用于有机农业中,作为天然的害虫防治方法。)

5. The life cycle of Apanteles glomeratus consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult.(簇小蜂的生命周期包括四个阶段:、幼虫、蛹和成虫。)

6. Apanteles glomeratus has a narrow host range, which makes it a highly specific natural enemy of certain pests.(簇小蜂的寄主范围很窄,使它成为某些害虫高度特异性的天敌。)

7. The use of Apanteles glomeratus can reduce the need for chemical pesticides in agricultural production.(运用簇小蜂可以减少农业生产中对化学农药的需求。)

8. The larvae of Apanteles glomeratus feed on the body fluids of the caterpillar host, causing its death.(簇小蜂幼虫以幼虫宿主的体液为食,导致其死亡。)

9. The success of Apanteles glomeratus as a biological control agent depends on proper timing and release rates.(簇小蜂作为生物控制剂的成功需要正确的时机和释放速率。)


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