Still Life是什么意思 Still Life的读音、翻译、用法

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'Still Life'是英语,“静物画”的意思。静物画是描绘静物的绘画形式,通常是在一个平静的环境中,摆放着一些物品,如水果、鲜花、瓶罐、书籍等,艺术家用光影和色彩来表现画面中的物体,传达一种沉静的氛围和美感。是9个含有这个词语的例句:

1. The still life painting on the wall is absolutely gorgeous.(墙上的静物画绝对美极了。)

2. She always enjoys painting still life.(她总是喜欢画静物。)

3. The exhibition showcases a range of still life paintings from the 19th century.(展览展示了19世纪的一系列静物画。)

4. The artist used bright colors to create a vibrant still life.(艺术家使用鲜艳的颜色创造了一幅充满活力的静物画。)

5. The still life captures the beauty and fragility of a vase of flowers.(这幅静物画捕捉了一瓶鲜花的美和脆弱。)

6. She arranged the objects for the still life painting carefully.(她仔细地安排静物画中的物品。)

7. Still life painting was a popular genre in the 17th century.(静物画是17世纪的一种流行题材。)

8. The exhibition features a variety of still life paintings by contemporary artists.(展览展示了当代艺术家的各种静物画。)

9. The artist used a dark background to create contrast with the bright colors of the still life.(艺术家使用深色背景与静物画中的鲜艳颜色形成对比。)


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