guide是什么意思 guide的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The tour guide led the group through the historical sites. (导游带领着团队参观历史遗迹。)

2. This book is a comprehensive guide to cooking French cuisine. (这本书是一本关于烹饪法国美食的全面指南。)

3. Can you guide me to the nearest gas station? (你能指引我去最近的加油站吗?)

4. The teacher acted as a guide in helping students understand the concept. (老师在帮助学生理解这一概念时充当了指导者的角色。)

5. The survival guide provides tips on how to survive in the wilderness. (这份生存指南提供了如何在荒野中生存的技巧。)

6. The company has a guidebook for new employees. (公司为新员工准备了一本指南手册。)

7. The map serves as a guide for hikers. (地图为远足者提供指引。)

8. Can you guide me through the process of setting up my account? (你能指导我完成设置帐户的过程吗?)

9. The museum guide gave an informative tour of the exhibits. (博物馆导游为展览提供了丰富的讲解。)


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