vlan是什么意思 vlan的读音、翻译、用法

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'vlan'是英语单词,全称为Virtual Local Area Network,意为虚拟局域网。它是一种虚拟技术,可以将网络划分成若干个逻辑上的子网,使得不同的子网可以在同一个物理网络上进行通信,从而提高网络的可管理性和灵活性。



1. The switch supports up to 1024 VLANs.(这个交换机支持最多1024个虚拟局域网。)

2. VLAN tagging is used to identify the VLAN to which a packet belongs.(VLAN标记用于识别一个数据包所属的虚拟局域网。)

3. Each VLAN has its own set of network policies and security settings.(每个虚拟局域网都有自己的网络策略和安全设置。)

4. The network administrator can use VLANs to isolate different departments on the same physical network.(网络管理员可以使用VLAN将同一物理网络上的不同部门隔离开来。)

5. The firewall can block traffic between VLANs to enhance security.(防火墙可以阻止虚拟局域网之间的流量,增强网络安全性。)

6. The VLAN ID determines which VLAN a packet belongs to.(VLAN ID确定一个数据包属于哪个虚拟局域网。)

7. VLAN membership can be based on port, protocol or MAC address.(VLAN成员可以基于端口、协议或MAC地址定义。)

8. VLANs can be configured on routers, switches or firewalls.(VLAN可以在路由器、交换机或防火墙上配置。)

9. VLAN trunking allows multiple VLANs to be transmitted over a single physical link.(VLAN干线允许多个虚拟局域网通过单个物理链路传输。)


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