sobemovirus是什么意思 sobemovirus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Sobemovirus is a type of RNA virus that causes significant damage to various crops.(庇护膜病毒是一种能够对多种作物造成重大损害的RNA病毒。)

2. The outbreak of sobemovirus has resulted in a substantial reduction in the yield of tomato in Poland.(庇护膜病毒的爆发导致波兰番茄产量大幅下降。)

3. Scientists are studying the genetic structure of sobemovirus to develop effective control measures.(科学家正在研究庇护膜病毒的基因结构,以制定有效的防控措施。)

4. The latest research shows that the spread of sobemovirus can be effectively inhibited by using certain fungicides.(最新研究表明,使用某些杀菌剂可以有效抑制庇护膜病毒的传播。)

5. Sobemovirus is highly contagious and can be easily transmitted by insects or infected soil.(庇护膜病毒具有高度传染性,可以通过昆虫或感染土壤轻易传播。)

6. The sharp decline in the quality of watermelon in recent years is partly due to the prevalence of sobemovirus.(近年来,西瓜质量的急剧下降部分原因是庇护膜病毒的流行。)

7. Sobemovirus can cause severe yield loss and reduce the commercial value of crops.(庇护膜病毒可以引起严重的产量损失,降低农作物的商业价值。)

8. Farmers are advised to take preventive measures against sobemovirus to minimize the economic losses.(农民应采取预防措施,以尽量减少庇护膜病毒带来的经济损失。)

9. The identification of sobemovirus from diseased tomato samples was confirmed by molecular testing.(通过分子检测,确认从病叶样品中鉴定出了庇护膜病毒。)


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