Pontinus nigropunctatus是什么意思 Pontinus nigropunctatus的读音、翻译、用法

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'Pontinus nigropunctatus'是拉丁语,中文翻译为“黑点石头鲈”。


以下是9个含有'Pontinus nigropunctatus'的例句:

1. The restaurant served delicious 'Pontinus nigropunctatus' caught fresh from the sea.(餐馆供应从海中捕捞的美味的黑点石头鲈。)

2. In Fiji, locals often fish for 'Pontinus nigropunctatus' for their family meals.(在斐济,当地人常常捕捉黑点石头鲈作为家庭用餐的食材。)

3. 'Pontinus nigropunctatus' are known for their strong resistance to cold water.(黑点石头鲈以其对冷水的强大耐受力而闻名。)

4. The coloration of 'Pontinus nigropunctatus' can vary depending on their habitat.(黑点石头鲈的颜色因其生活环境而异。)

5. Researchers have been studying the behavior patterns of 'Pontinus nigropunctatus' in their natural habitat.(研究人员一直在研究黑点石头鲈在自然栖息地的行为模式。)

6. The rarity of 'Pontinus nigropunctatus' makes it a highly sought-after fish among collectors.(黑点石头鲈的稀有性使其成为收藏家们极为追捧的鱼类。)

7. 'Pontinus nigropunctatus' have been known to swim in large schools during mating season.(黑点石头鲈在季节常常聚集成大群。)

8. The 'Pontinus nigropunctatus' is one of the main attractions for tourists who come to snorkel in the area.(黑点石头鲈是前来该地区浮潜的游客主要的吸引点之一。)

9. The 'Pontinus nigropunctatus' is a prized catch among fishermen who are looking for a challenge.(对于寻求挑战的渔民来说,黑点石头鲈是一个珍贵的捕获物。)


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