Protostrongylidae是什么意思 Protostrongylidae的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Protostrongylidae is a well-known parasite in wild ruminants.(Protostrongylidae是野生反刍动物中广为人知的寄生虫。)

2. The lungworm species of the family Protostrongylidae are highly host-specific.(Protostrongylidae科的肺虫物种高度特异性。)

3. The life cycle of Protostrongylidae involves a snail intermediate host.(Protostrongylidae的生命周期涉及一种蜗牛中间宿主。)

4. Protostrongylidae infections can cause severe lung damage in animals.(Protostrongylidae感染可能会导致动物严重的肺损伤。)

5. The morphological characteristics of Protostrongylidae distinguish it from other lungworms.(Protostrongylidae的形态特征使其与其他肺虫区别开来。)

6. Climate change may influence the distribution patterns of Protostrongylidae.(气候变化可能会影响Protostrongylidae的分布模式。)

7. The prevalence of Protostrongylidae varies among different regions and host species.(Protostrongylidae的流行病学在不同地区和宿主物种间存在差异。)

8. Protostrongylidae can cause significant economic losses in livestock industry.(Protostrongylidae可以在畜牧业中造成重大经济损失。)

9. Control measures for Protostrongylidae include pasture management and anthelminthic treatment.(对Protostrongylidae的控制措施包括牧场管理和驱虫治疗。)


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