wifi是什么意思 wifi的读音、翻译、用法

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'wifi'这个词语源于英语,是指无线局域网(Wireless Fidelity)的缩写。现在已成为一个普遍使用的网络术语,常用于描述通过无线网络进行连接和通讯的设备和技术。


1. My phone is connected to the wifi network. (我的手机已连接到无线网络。)

2. The hotel offers free wifi for all guests. (酒店为所有客人提供免费的无线网络。)

3. You need a wifi router to create a wireless network. (你需要一个无线路由器来创建无线网络。)

4. The wifi signal is too weak in this area. (这个区域的无线信号太弱了。)

5. Turn on the wifi on your device to connect to the internet. (打开你设备的无线网络功能连接到互联网。)

6. The airport has multiple wifi hotspots for travelers to use. (有多个无线热点供旅行者使用。)

7. We need to set up a wifi password to secure our network. (我们需要设置一个无线网络密码来保护我们的网络。)

8. The cafe has a cozy atmosphere and fast wifi. (这家咖啡厅有舒适的氛围和快速的无线网络。)

9. The wifi speed is slower during peak hours. (在高峰时段,无线网络速度会变慢。)


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