capture是什么意思 capture的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The police hope to capture the suspect soon. 警方希望尽快抓住嫌疑犯。

2. The army was able to capture the enemy stronghold. 成功占领了敌军要塞。

3. I captured this beautiful sunset on camera. 我用相机捕捉到了这美丽的日落。

4. The singer captured the hearts of the audience with her performance. 歌手的表演赢得了观众们的心。

5. The photographer captured the essence of the city in his pictures. 摄影师用他的照片捕捉到了这座城市的精髓。

6. The company was able to capture a significant portion of the market share. 公司成功占据了市场的大部分份额。

7. The hunter captured a rare bird in the forest. 猎人在森林中捕获了一只稀有的鸟类。

8. The video game allows players to capture and train virtual monsters. 这个游戏允许玩家捕捉和训练虚拟的怪兽。

9. The scientists were able to capture images of the black hole using powerful telescopes. 科学家们利用强大的望远镜成功捕捉到了黑洞的图像。


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