Psammotettix alienus是什么意思 Psammotettix alienus的读音、翻译、用法

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这个词语来源于拉丁语,意为“外来的沙蝗虫”。Psammotettix alienus是一种沙蝗虫科昆虫,分布于北美洲和欧洲,常见于干燥的沙漠和荒野地区。

以下是9个含有Psammotettix alienus的例句,用英语表述并附上中文翻译:

1. Psammotettix alienus is a common species in the Great Basin Desert.(Psammotettix alienus是大盆地沙漠中常见的一种物种。)

2. The distinguishing characteristics of Psammotettix alienus are its long antennae and wings.(Psammotettix alienus的特征在于它长长的触角和翅膀。)

3. The population of Psammotettix alienus has declined in recent years due to habitat loss.(由于栖息地的流失,Psammotettix alienus的种群数量在近年来有所下降。)

4. Researchers are studying the behavior of Psammotettix alienus in order to better understand its ecological role.(研究人员正在研究Psammotettix alienus的行为,以更好地了解它在生态系统中的作用。)

5. Psammotettix alienus feeds on desert plants and has a preference for certain species.(Psammotettix alienus以沙漠植物为食,并对某些物种有偏好。)

6. Psammotettix alienus is known for its ability to jump long distances when threatened.(当受到威胁时,Psammotettix alienus以其跳跃远距离的能力而著名。)

7. The coloration of Psammotettix alienus varies depending on its habitat and surrounding vegetation.(Psammotettix alienus的色彩因其栖息地和周围植被不同而变化。)

8. The larvae of Psammotettix alienus undergo several molts before becoming adults.(Psammotettix alienus的幼虫在成为成虫之前会经历数次蜕皮。)

9. Psammotettix alienus plays an important role in the food web of desert ecosystems.(Psammotettix alienus在沙漠生态系统的食物网中扮演着重要角色。)


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