MRC是什么意思 MRC的读音、翻译、用法

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'MRC' 不是某个具体的国家的语言,它是英语中的缩写,全称为'Medical Research Council',意为“医学研究委员会”。这个缩写在医学研究领域非常常见,特别是在英语国家。


1. The MRC funds research across the whole spectrum of medical sciences. (MRC资助医学科学领域的全球研究。)

2. A team of MRC scientists has discovered a promising new treatment for Alzheimer's disease. (一组MRC科学家已经发现了治疗阿尔茨海默病的新方法。)

3. The MRC has a long and proud history of supporting pioneering research. (MRC在支持先驱性研究方面有着悠久而光荣的历史。)

4. The MRC's mission is to improve human health through world-class medical research. (MRC的使命是通过世界级的医学研究改善人类健康。)

5. Many of the world's leading medical breakthroughs have resulted from MRC-funded research. (许多世界领先的医学突破都是由MRC资助的研究产生的。)

6. The MRC works closely with universities and other research institutions to drive medical progress forward. (MRC与大学和其他研究机构密切合作,推动医学进步。)

7. MRC-supported research has led to major advances in cancer treatment over the past few decades. (过去几xx年里,MRC支持的研究在癌症治疗方面取得了重大进展。)

8. The MRC invests in cutting-edge technologies and emerging research areas to stay at the forefront of medical research. (MRC投资于尖端技术和新兴研究领域,保持医学研究的前沿地位。)

9. The MRC's commitment to scientific excellence has made it a world leader in medical research. (MRC对科学卓越的承诺,使其成为医学研究的世界领导者。)


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