Quercus wislizenii是什么意思 Quercus wislizenii的读音、翻译、用法

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'Quercus wislizenii'是美国的词语,中文翻译为“威利泽尼栎”,是一种生长在美国西南部和墨西哥北部的常绿或半常绿植物,属于栎属。

以下是9个含有'Quercus wislizenii'的例句:

1. The 'Quercus wislizenii' tree is well adapted to hot and dry climates.(威利泽尼栎树适应炎热干燥的气候。)

2. The acorns of 'Quercus wislizenii' are an important food source for many species of wildlife.(威利泽尼栎的橡实是许多野生动物的重要食物来源。)

3. 'Quercus wislizenii' is also known as interior live oak.(威利泽尼栎也被称为内陆常青橡树。)

4. The wood of 'Quercus wislizenii' is hard and durable, it a popular choice for furniture and flooring.(威利泽尼栎木材坚硬耐用,是家具和地板的常用材料。)

5. The leaves of 'Quercus wislizenii' are leathery and thick, with a glossy, dark green color.(威利泽尼栎的叶子厚而有韧性,呈现出有光泽的深绿色。)

6. The bark of 'Quercus wislizenii' is rough and furrowed, with a dark brown color.(威利泽尼栎的树皮粗糙多皱,呈深褐色。)

7. 'Quercus wislizenii' is a popular landscaping tree due to its attractive evergreen foliage.(威利泽尼栎是一个受欢迎的园林树,因为其吸引人的常绿树叶。)

8. The acorns of 'Quercus wislizenii' can be eaten raw, roasted, or ground into flour.(威利泽尼栎的橡实可以生吃、烤熟或磨成粉。)

9. 'Quercus wislizenii' is an important component of oak woodlands in California.(威利泽尼栎是加利福尼亚橡树林的重要组成部分。)


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