Streblus asper是什么意思 Streblus asper的读音、翻译、用法

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'Streblus asper'是澳大利亚的词语,中文翻译为“粗叶扁桃属”。它是一种常见的灌木或小乔木,是澳大利亚本土的常见植物之一。其叶子粗糙,常用于草药中治疗各种疾病。

以下是9个含有'Streblus asper'的例句:

1. Streblus asper is a common shrub in Australia.(Streblus asper是澳大利亚常见的灌木。)

2. The leaves of Streblus asper are often used in medicinal teas.(粗叶扁桃属的叶子常用于药用茶中。)

3. Streblus asper is known for its ability to treat respiratory problems.(粗叶扁桃属以治疗呼吸道问题而闻名。)

4. The bark of Streblus asper can be used to make a natural dye.(粗叶扁桃属的树皮可以用来制作天然染料。)

5. Streblus asper is a common ingredient in traditional Aboriginal medicine.(粗叶扁桃属是传统土著药物的常见成分。)

6. Many wildlife species rely on Streblus asper for food and shelter.(许多野生动物依靠粗叶扁桃属获得食物和庇护。)

7. The wood of Streblus asper is strong and durable, it a popular material in furniture-.(粗叶扁桃属的木材坚固耐用,因此在制作家具时很受欢迎。)

8. Streblus asper is often used in traditional Aboriginal ceremonies for its spiritual significance.(粗叶扁桃属因其灵性意义而被用于传统土著仪式。)

9. The leaves of Streblus asper can be used to treat skin irritations and inflammation.(粗叶扁桃属的叶子可以用来治疗皮肤刺激和炎症。)


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