franchise是什么意思 franchise的读音、翻译、用法

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1. McDonald's franchisees are required to follow the company's strict operating procedures. (麦当劳的特许经营商必须遵守公司的严格经营程序。)

2. The franchise owner is responsible for all aspects of the business, including marketing and staffing. (特许经营权所有者负责业务的所有方面,包括市场营销和人员配备。)

3. Subway has over 40,000 franchise locations worldwide. (Subway在全球拥有超过40,000个特许经营店。)

4. The company grants exclusive franchise rights to only one operator in each geographic region. (该公司只授予每个地理区域内唯一的经营者独家特许经营权。)

5. The cost of opening a franchise varies depending on the location and size of the business. (开设一家连锁店的成本因业务的位置和规模而异。)

6. Many entrepreneurs prefer to invest in a franchise rather than starting their own business from scratch. (许多企业家喜欢投资于特许经营店,而不是从头开始创业。)

7. The franchise agreement typically includes a specific territory where the operator has the right to operate. (特许经营协议通常包括特定的领土,经营者有权在该地区经营。)

8. The franchisee must pay a percentage of their sales to the franchisor as a royalty fee. (特许经营商必须向特许经营方支付销售额的一定比例作为版权费。)

9. The success of a franchise depends on the quality of the products and services, as well as the strength of the brand. (连锁店的成功取决于产品和服务的质量以及品牌的实力。)


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