Xylella fastidiosa是什么意思 Xylella fastidiosa的读音、翻译、用法

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'Xylella fastidiosa'是拉丁语,中文翻译为“忧郁木质部细菌”,是一种会导致植物疾病的细菌。


1. Xylella fastidiosa has caused significant economic damage to the olive industry in Italy.(忧郁木质部细菌已经对意大利的橄榄业造成了重大的经济损失。)

2. The symptoms of Xylella fastidiosa infection in gvines include yellowing leaves and stunted growth.(忧郁木质部细菌感染葡萄藤的症状包括叶片发黄和生长受阻。)

3. The European Union has implemented strict measures to prevent the spread of Xylella fastidiosa.(欧盟已经采取了严格的措施来防止忧郁木质部细菌的传播。)

4. Xylella fastidiosa is a devastating pathogen for citrus crops.(忧郁木质部细菌对柑橘作物是一种毁灭性病原体。)

5. The US Department of Agriculture has been studying Xylella fastidiosa for many years.(美国已经研究忧郁木质部细菌多年。)

6. Xylella fastidiosa is transmitted by insects such as sharpshooters and spittlebugs.(忧郁木质部细菌是由射线虫和唾液虫等昆虫传播的。)

7. The discovery of Xylella fastidiosa in California has raised concerns about the potential impact on vineyards.(在加利福尼亚州发现忧郁木质部细菌让人们担心其对葡萄园的潜在影响。)

8. Xylella fastidiosa is known to infect over 350 plant species.(已知忧郁木质部细菌可以感染超过350种植物物种。)

9. The symptoms of Xylella fastidiosa infection in almond trees include leaf scorch and dieback.(杏树感染忧郁木质部细菌的症状包括叶片枯黄和枯死。)


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