lipoxygenase是什么意思 lipoxygenase的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The expression of lipoxygenase in tomato fruits is induced by wounding or pathogen infection.(番茄果实中的脂氧合酶表达受到创伤或病原体感染的诱导。)

2. Lipoxygenase is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid, which plays an important role in plant defense against biotic and abiotic stresses.(脂氧合酶是茉莉酸生物合成的关键酶,茉莉酸在植物对生物和非生物胁迫的防御中起着重要作用。)

3. Some lipoxygenases from plant sources have been shown to possess anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory activities.(一些来自植物的脂氧合酶具有抗肿瘤和抗炎活性。)

4. The structure of lipoxygenase has been extensively studied by X-ray crystallography and other biophysical techniques.(脂氧合酶的结构已经通过X射线晶体学和其他生物物理技术进行了广泛研究。)

5. Lipoxygenase-derived lipid mediators such as leukotrienes and lipoxins are involved in the regulation of inflammation and immune response.(脂氧合酶产生的脂质介质,如白三烯和脂氧合酸,参与了炎症和免疫反应的调节。)

6. Bovine lipoxygenase is a useful enzyme for the synthesis of chiral molecules with pharmaceutical and industrial applications.(牛脂氧合酶是一种有用的酶,在药物和工业中具有合成手性分子的应用。)

7. The activity of lipoxygenase is affected by various factors such as pH, temperature, and substrate concentration.(脂氧合酶的活性受到pH、温度和底物浓度等各种因素的影响。)

8. Lipoxygenases are widely distributed in plants, animals, and microorganisms, indicating their evolutionary significance.(脂氧合酶广泛存在于植物、动物和微生物中,说明它们在进化中具有重要意义。)

9. The inhibition of lipoxygenase activity by natural compounds such as polyphenols and flavonoids has been proposed as a strategy for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.(通过多酚和黄酮类天然化合物抑制脂氧合酶活性被提出作为预防和治疗慢性疾病的策略。)


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