progression是什么意思 progression的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The progression of technology in recent years has been staggering.(技术近年来的进步是惊人的。)

2. The disease tends to follow a predictable progression.(这种疾病往往会按照一定的进程发展。)

3. Her musical progression has been remarkable.(她的音乐发展过程非常出色。)

4. The team's progression through the tournament was impressive.(这个团队在比赛中的进展令人印象深刻。)

5. She was disappointed by her slow progression up the corporate ladder.(她对自己在公司中慢慢爬升的进程感到失望。)

6. The progression of the storyline in the novel was captivating.(小说中的剧情进展非常吸引人。)

7. The progression of the disease was closely monitored by doctors.(医生们密切关注着这种疾病的发展情况。)

8. The film was criticized for its lack of progression and slow pace.(这部电影因故事进展缓慢而被批评。)

9. The progression of the artwork from rough sketches to finished pieces was impressive.(从草图到完成品,这件艺术品的进展令人印象深刻。)


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