zoospore是什么意思 zoospore的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The zoospores of Phytophthora infestans can swim in water and infect potato plants.(马铃薯晚疫病的游孢子可以在水中游动,感染马铃薯植株。)

2. The zoospores of some algae are used in ecological restoration.(一些藻类的游孢子被用于生态修复。)

3. The zoospores of aquatic fungi can release enzymes to decompose organic matter.(水生真菌的游孢子可以释放酶分解有机物。)

4. Researchers found that the zoospores of Chytrid fungi cause widespread declines in amphibian populations.(研究人员发现,小孢菌的游孢子导致了全球两栖动物数量的大量下降。)

5. The release of zoospores from diatoms can enhance carbon sequestration in oceans.(硅藻的游孢子释放能够增强海洋中的碳汇作用。)

6. The motility of zoospores can be affected by environmental factors such as temperature and pH.(游孢子的运动性受到温度和pH等环境因素的影响。)

7. The presence of zoospores in water samples can indicate the presence of harmful algal blooms.(水样中的游孢子存在可以表明有害藻类水华的存在。)

8. The infection of plant roots by zoospores can lead to decreased nutrient uptake and stunted growth.(植物根系被游孢子感染可以导致营养吸收减少和生长受阻。)

9. Some zoospores can differentiate into different cell types depending on their environment.(一些游孢子可以根据环境分化成不同的细胞类型。)


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