gluon是什么意思 gluon的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The strong force between protons and neutrons in the nucleus is carried by gluons. (核子之间的强相互作用由胶子传递。)

2. Gluons are exchanged between quarks to form composite particles. (夸克之间通过交换胶子形成复合粒子。)

3. The behavior of gluons can be described by quantum chromodynamics. (胶子的行为可以用量子色动力学描述。)

4. The discovery of gluons was a major breakthrough in particle physics. (发现胶子是粒子物理学中的重大突破。)

5. Gluons have a property called color charge, which is related to the strong force. (胶子具有一种称为色荷的属性,与强相互作用有关。)

6. The properties of gluons are still being studied and researched by physicists. (物理学家仍在研究胶子的性质。)

7. The interaction between gluons and quarks can be visualized as elastic bands connecting them. (胶子和夸克之间的相互作用可以想象成连接它们的弹性带。)

8. The existence of gluons was first predicted by Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig in the 1960s. (胶子的存在首先是由穆雷·盖尔曼和乔治·兹威格在20世纪xx年代的。)

9. The properties of gluons are essential to understanding the behavior of subatomic particles. (胶子的性质对于理解亚原子粒子的行为至关重要。)


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