Cephalorhynchus是什么意思 Cephalorhynchus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Cephalorhynchus eutropia is a subspecies of the Hector's dolphin that is endemic to New Zealand. (黑白头长海豚是新西兰特有的赫克托海豚亚种。)

2. The Cephalorhynchus genus belongs to the family Delphinidae. (头长海豚属属于海豚科。)

3. The common name of Cephalorhynchus hectori is the Hector's dolphin. (黑白头长海豚的常用名字是赫克托海豚。)

4. Cephalorhynchus heavisidii, also known as the Heaviside's dolphin, is found only in the cold waters off the coast of Namibia and South Africa. (重氏头长海豚,也叫海绵头长海豚,只分布在和南非沿海的冷水区域。)

5. The scientific name of the Chilean dolphin is Cephalorhynchus eutropia. (智利海豚的学名是黑白头长海豚。)

6. Cephalorhynchus commersonii, commonly known as the Commerson's dolphin, is a species found around the southern tip of South America. (科莫宁头长海豚,又叫联盟海豚,分布在南美洲南端附近。)

7. The conservation status of Cephalorhynchus hectori is classified as endangered by the IUCN Red List. (赫克托海豚的保护状况被国际自然保护联盟评定为濒危。)

8. Cephalorhynchus is a genus of small oceanic dolphins that are found in the southern hemisphere. (头长海豚属是一类分布在南半球的小型海洋海豚。)

9. Cephalorhynchus dolphins are known for their distinctive head shape and long beak. (头长海豚以其独特的头部形状和长喙而著名。)


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