Rhamphorhynchus是什么意思 Rhamphorhynchus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 'Rhamphorhynchus'是英国的词语。

2. 翻译为“喙龙”或“喙嘴龙”,是一种生活在侏罗纪时期的翼龙类动物。

3. 'Rhamphorhynchus'的遗化石主要发现于德国巴伐利亚地区,身长约为1.3米,翼展长达2.3米,是目前已知最早的翼龙类之一。

4. Example Sentences:


Translation: The fossils of 'Rhamphorhynchus' showcase the lifestyle and reproductive habits of this species of pterosaur.

例句2:科学家使用' Rhamphorhynchus'的化石研究了侏罗纪时期的飞行动物的演化历史。

Translation: Scientists use the fossils of 'Rhamphorhynchus' to study the evolutionary history of flying animals in the Jurassic period.


Translation: The wingspan of 'Rhamphorhynchus', which reached 2.3 meters, is much larger than the length of the largest animal today - the blue whale.


Translation: 'Rhamphorhynchus' is one of the earliest pterosaur species discovered by dinosaur researchers.

例句5:' Rhamphorhynchus'的躯体被誉为古生物学研究中的重要发现之一。

Translation: The body of 'Rhamphorhynchus' is considered one of the important discoveries in paleontological research.


Translation: The fossils of 'Rhamphorhynchus' prove the evolution of aerodynamics in the Jurassic period.


Translation: The most significant features of 'Rhamphorhynchus' are its long, narrow tail and beaked mouth.


Translation: 'Rhamphorhynchus' was very common in the natural environment of the Jurassic period, and its fossils can be found in many places.


Translation: 'Rhamphorhynchus' evolved from birds, and its wings are very similar in structure to modern birds.


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