adjoint是什么意思 adjoint的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The adjoint operator of a linear operator is its conjugate transpose.(一个线性算子的共轭转置就是它的adjoint算子。)

2. In quantum mechanics, the adjoint of a state vector is its complex conjugate transpose.(在量子力学中,一个状态向量的共轭转置就是它的adjoint。)

3. The adjoint of a symmetric real matrix is itself.(一个对称实矩阵的adjoint是它本身。)

4. The adjoint of a Hermitian operator is itself.(一个埃尔米特算子的adjoint是它本身。)

5. The adjoint of a unitary operator is its inverse.(一个酉算子的adjoint是它的逆。)

6. In functional ysis, the adjoint of a linear functional is a linear functional that satisfies a certain condition.(在函数分析中,一个线性泛函的adjoint是满足某种条件的线性泛函。)

7. The adjoint of a differential operator is defined using integration by parts.(一个微分算子的adjoint可以通过分部积分来定义。)

8. The adjoint of a linear transformation between two inner product spaces is the transpose of its matrix representation.(两个内积空间之间的线性变换的adjoint是它的矩阵表示的转置。)

9. The adjoint of a linear map between two Banach spaces is the transpose of its matrix representation.(两个Banach空间之间的线性映射的adjoint是它的矩阵表示的转置。)


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