Choristoneura rosaceana是什么意思 Choristoneura rosaceana的读音、翻译、用法

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'Choristoneura rosaceana'是英语词汇,中文翻译为“玫瑰针尺蛾”,是一种树皮蛾科的昆虫。这种蛾子主要出现在美国和加拿大的西部地区,对果树和其他植物造成了严重的害虫问题。

以下是9个含有'Choristoneura rosaceana'的例句:

1. The apple orchard was infested with Choristoneura rosaceana and the tree trunks were wrapped with sticky tape to trap them.(这个苹果园被玫瑰针尺蛾侵袭了,树干被缠上了粘性胶带来捕捉它们。)

2. Choristoneura rosaceana larvae feed on new foliage and flower buds of various plant species, causing severe damage.(玫瑰针尺蛾幼虫吃各种植物的新叶和花蕾,造成严重的损害。)

3. The population of Choristoneura rosaceana is controlled by the use of insecticides and biological control agents.(使用杀虫剂和生物控制剂来控制玫瑰针尺蛾的数量。)

4. The outbreak of Choristoneura rosaceana in the cherry orchard caused a significant loss of crop yield.(樱桃园玫瑰针尺蛾的爆发导致了重大的农作物损失。)

5. The development of integrated pest management strategies has been effective in reducing the impact of Choristoneura rosaceana on fruit production.(综合防治策略的发展对减少玫瑰针尺蛾对果实生产的影响很有效。)

6. The adult Choristoneura rosaceana has a wingspan of approximately 2 centimeters and is light brown in color.(玫瑰针尺蛾成年虫翅膀展开约2厘米,颜色为浅棕色。)

7. Choristoneura rosaceana undergoes a complete metamorphosis, with four distinct stages of development including egg, larvae, pupa, and adult.(玫瑰针尺蛾进行完全,包括、幼虫、蛹和成虫四个明显的发育阶段。)

8. The use of pheromone traps is an effective tool for monitoring the population density of Choristoneura rosaceana in orchards.(使用信息素诱捕器是监测果园中玫瑰针尺蛾种群密度的有效工具。)

9. The damage caused by Choristoneura rosaceana can be reduced by implementing cultural practices such as pruning, sanitation, and proper fertilization.(通过实施修剪、卫生和适当施肥等文化措施,可以减少玫瑰针尺蛾造成的损害。)


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