Erwinia herbicola是什么意思 Erwinia herbicola的读音、翻译、用法

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答:'Erwinia herbicola'是拉丁语,意思是“草地艾尔文菌”。它是一种革兰氏阴性细菌,广泛存在于自然环境中,被广泛应用于环境保护、农业和医药等领域。

以下是9个含有'Erwinia herbicola'的例句:

1. Erwinia herbicola是一种植物性细菌,能够分解许多有机化合物。

(Erwinia herbicola is a plant-related bacterium that can decompose many organic compounds.)

2. 在农业领域,Erwinia herbicola被广泛用于农药的生产和农作物的保护。

(In the field of agriculture, Erwinia herbicola is widely used in the production of pesticides and the protection of crops.)

3. 在医疗领域,Erwinia herbicola被用作疗效显著的生物制剂。

(In the field of medicine, Erwinia herbicola is used as a highly effective biological preparation.)

4. Erwinia herbicola是一种优秀的生物吸附剂,可以有效地去除水体中的重金属和有机染物。

(Erwinia herbicola is an excellent biological adsorbent that can effectively remove heavy metals and organic pollutants from water bodies.)

5. 通过对Erwinia herbicola的研究,科学家们发现了许多有关生物代谢和基因调控的规律。

(Through the study of Erwinia herbicola, scientists have discovered many rules about biological metabolism and gene regulation.)

6. Erwinia herbicola对环境的适应性非常强,具有很高的生态利用价值。

(Erwinia herbicola has a strong adaptability to the environment and has a high ecological value.)

7. Erwinia herbicola能够在极端环境下生存,是微生物学领域的重要研究对象之一。

(Erwinia herbicola can survive in extreme environments and is one of the important research objects in microbiology.)

8. 由Erwinia herbicola生产的酶具有高效催化和特殊的催化机制,被广泛应用于工业生产中。

(Enzymes produced by Erwinia herbicola have high catalytic efficiency and special catalytic mechanisms, and are widely used in industrial production.)

9. Erwinia herbicola的分离和鉴定是微生物学实验的重要内容之一。

(The isolation and identification of Erwinia herbicola is one of the important contents of microbiological experiments.)


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