Diceratops是什么意思 Diceratops的读音、翻译、用法

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'Diceratops' 不是国家的语言,它是一个英文词语,可以翻译为“双角龙”,是一种已灭绝的恐龙。以下是9个含有这个词语的例句:

1. The Diceratops was a herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period.(双角龙是一种草食恐龙,生活在晚白垩世时期。)

2. The distinctive feature of the Diceratops is its two long horns on its head, which it used for defense and courtship displays.(双角龙最显著的特征是头部的两只长角,用于防御和繁殖展示。)

3. Scientists have long debated the purpose of the Diceratops' frill, which is a bony plate that extends from the back of its skull.(科学家长期争论双角龙的脊甲的作用,它是一块从头骨后方延伸出来的骨板。)

4. The Diceratops was a distant relative of the more famous Triceratops.(双角龙是更著名的三角龙的远亲。)

5. Some scientists believe that the Diceratops may have had a social hierarchy, with dominant males leading groups of females and juveniles.(一些科学家认为,双角龙可能有社会等级制度,优势雄性领导一些雌性和幼龙组成的群体。)

6. The fossils of the Diceratops were first discovered in the United States in the 1920s.(双角龙化石最早在20世纪xx年代在美国被发现。)

7. The Diceratops is believed to have gone extinct around 65 million years ago, along with most other dinosaurs.(据信双角龙在约6500万年前与大多数其他恐龙一起灭绝。)

8. Paleontologists are still learning new things about the Diceratops and other dinosaurs through ongoing research and discovery.(古生物学家通过持续的研究和发现仍在了解双角龙和其他恐龙的新知识。)

9. The Diceratops may have been a formidable presence on the ancient landscape, but today it exists only in fossils and our imaginations.(双角龙可能曾是古代景观中的强大存在,但今天它只存在于化石和我们的想象中。)


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