Juan Trippe是什么意思 Juan Trippe的读音、翻译、用法

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'Juan Trippe'这个词语来源于英语,是一个人名,指的是20世纪早期美国航空业的先驱、泛美航空公司的创办人Juan Terry Trippe。常见翻译为胡安·特里皮,也有译为胡安·特里普等。


1. Juan Trippe founded Pan American Airways in 1927.(胡安·特里皮于xx年创办了泛美航空公司。)

2. Juan Trippe was a key figure in the development of commercial aviation.(胡安·特里皮是商业航空发展的关键人物。)

3. Juan Trippe was a visionary who saw the potential of long-range air travel.(胡安·特里皮是一个有远见的人,看到了长途航空旅行的潜力。)

4. Juan Trippe was known for his aggressive business tactics.(胡安·特里皮以其激进的商业策略而闻名。)

5. Juan Trippe was a pioneer in the field of international air travel.(胡安·特里皮是国际航空旅行领域的先驱。)

6. Juan Trippe believed that air travel could bring the world closer together.(胡安·特里皮相信航空旅行可以让世界更加紧密。)

7. Juan Trippe was a risk-taker who was not afraid to try new things.(胡安·特里皮是一个不怕尝试新事物的冒险家。)

8. Juan Trippe's legacy can still be felt in the aviation industry today.(胡安·特里皮的遗产仍可以在今天的航空业中感受到。)

9. Juan Trippe's vision of a global network of air travel has become a reality.(胡安·特里皮构想的全球航空旅行网络已成为现实。)


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