1. 我的祖先是峇峇娘惹,他们的文化在我们家族中一直得到保护。My ancestors were Baba-Nyonya, and their culture has been preserved in our family.
2. 峇峇娘惹文化的独特之处在于将华人和马来人的文化融合在一起。The uniqueness of the Baba-Nyonya culture is the fusion of Chinese and Malay cultures.
3. 这个博物馆展示了峇峇娘惹文化的历史和传统。The museum swcases the history and traditions of the Baba-Nyonya culture.
4. 我们去马六甲参观了一些峇峇娘惹屋,这些建筑保存完好,具有很高的历史价值。We visited some Baba-Nyonya uses in Malacca, which are well preserved and have high historical value.
5. 峇峇娘惹美食非常有特色,推荐尝试娘惹点心和炖菜。Baba-Nyonya cuisine is very unique, and I recommend trying the Nyonya desserts and stews.
6. 这本书详细介绍了峇峇娘惹文化的各个方面。This book provides a detailed introduction to various aspects of the Baba-Nyonya culture.
7. 峇峇娘惹的服饰非常精美,展示了华人和马来人的文化特色。Baba-Nyonya costumes are very exquisite, swcasing the cultural characteristics of both Chinese and Malay.
8. 我们参加了峇峇娘惹婚礼,非常隆重而热闹。We attended a Baba-Nyonya wedding, which was very grand and lively.
9. 马来西亚和新加坡的一些博物馆和文化中心有专门的峇峇娘惹展览,非常值得一看。Some museums and cultural centers in Malaysia and Singapore have dedicated Baba-Nyonya exhibitions, which are definitely worth a visit.
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