Zhang He是什么意思 Zhang He的读音、翻译、用法

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'Zhang He'这个词语来源于汉语拼音,它是一个人名,指的是中国明代著名将领张河。张河是明朝初年官员,后被派遣出使南洋,成为明朝在南海地区的殖民者之一,他在中南半岛和印尼群岛一带留下了很大的影响。

以下是含有'Zhang He'的9个例句:

1. 张河是明朝期间的著名将领,他深受的爱戴。(中文翻译:Zhang He was a famous general during the Ming Dynasty, and he was deeply loved by the people.)

2. 张河曾被派遣出使南洋,他是明朝在南海地区的重要代表。(中文翻译:Zhang He was once sent to visit the South Seas, and he was an important representative of the Ming Dynasty in the South China Sea region.)

3. 张河的航海经验对中国的航海史产生了深远的影响。(中文翻译:Zhang He's navigation experience had a profound impact on China's navigation history.)

4. 张河被誉为明朝时期最伟大的航海家之一。(中文翻译:Zhang He is hailed as one of the greatest navigators of the Ming Dynasty.)

5. 张河率领的船队穿越了印度洋,探索了许多未知的海域。(中文翻译:The fleet led by Zhang He crossed the Indian Ocean and explored many unknown waters.)

6. 张河的远航活动推动了东南亚地区的经济发展。(中文翻译:Zhang He's voyages promoted the economic development in Southeast Asia.)

7. 张河的驾驶技术堪称一流,他在艰险的航行中表现出了卓越的领导能力。(中文翻译:Zhang He's driving skills were top-notch, and he showed outstanding leadership in difficult sailing.)

8. 张河所率领的船队在南海地区建立了许多贸易站点。(中文翻译:The fleet led by Zhang He established many trading stations in the South China Sea region.)

9. 张河的远航活动不仅为中国带来了财富,还推动了中国与其他国家的文化交流。(中文翻译:Zhang He's voyages not only brought wealth to China, but also promoted cultural exchanges between China and other countries.)


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