chlorfenvinphos是什么意思 chlorfenvinphos的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The farmer applied chlorfenvinphos to his crops to prevent insect infestations.(这位农民喷洒氯羟基乙磷来防止作物受虫害侵袭。)

2. The use of chlorfenvinphos has been banned in the United Kingdom due to its harmful effects.(由于氯羟基乙磷的有害影响,英国已经禁止使用它。)

3. The concentration of chlorfenvinphos in the soil was found to exceed the safe limit.(土壤中的氯羟基乙磷浓度超过了安全限值。)

4. The health authorities are investigating the possible exposure of workers to chlorfenvinphos.(门正在调查工人可能接触到氯羟基乙磷的情况。)

5. The laboratory test confirmed the presence of chlorfenvinphos in the water sample.(实验室测试证实了水样中存在氯羟基乙磷。)

6. The manufacturer has stopped producing chlorfenvinphos in compliance with the new regulations.(制造商已经按照新法规停止了生产氯羟基乙磷。)

7. The farmers were advised to switch to alternative pesticides instead of chlorfenvinphos.(建议农民改用其他农药,而不是氯羟基乙磷。)

8. The government imposed a ban on the import and sale of products containing chlorfenvinphos.(禁止进口和销售含有氯羟基乙磷的产品。)

9. The study found that the use of chlorfenvinphos had adverse effects on the growth and reproduction of aquatic organisms.(研究发现,使用氯羟基乙磷对水生生物的生长和繁殖有不良影响。)


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