Agromyza frontella是什么意思 Agromyza frontella的读音、翻译、用法

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Agromyza frontella是拉丁语,指的是一种苍蝇。它的英文名为Pea Leaf Miner Fly,中文名为豌豆叶蝇。这种苍蝇会在豌豆叶子上生活和繁殖,会对豌豆等作物造成损害。以下是9个含有Agromyza frontella的例句:

1. Agromyza frontella is a pest of peas and beans.

(Agromyza frontella是豌豆和豆类作物的害虫。)

2. The damage caused by Agromyza frontella is mainly cosmetic.

(Agromyza frontella造成的损害主要是外观上的。)

3. The larvae of Agromyza frontella bore into the leaves of pea plants.

(Agromyza frontella的幼虫在豌豆植物的叶子上钻洞。)

4. Agromyza frontella can be controlled with insecticides.

(可以使用杀虫剂来控制Agromyza frontella。)

5. The life cycle of Agromyza frontella takes about 2-3 weeks.

(Agromyza frontella的生命周期约为2-3周。)

6. Agromyza frontella is particularly problematic in wet weather.

(在潮湿的天气下,Agromyza frontella尤其成问题。)

7. Farmers need to be vigilant in monitoring for Agromyza frontella infestations.

(农民需要注意监测Agromyza frontella的侵染。)

8. Agromyza frontella has become a widespread pest in many countries.

(Agromyza frontella已经成为许多国家广泛的害虫。)

9. The larvae of Agromyza frontella can cause significant damage to young pea plants.

(Agromyza frontella的幼虫会对幼嫩的豌豆植物造成重大损害。)


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