barmaid是什么意思 barmaid的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The barmaid served us with a smile.(酒吧女招待微笑地为我们服务。)

2. The barmaid poured us some beer.(酒吧女招待为我们倒了些啤酒。)

3. The barmaid recommended us a good wine.(酒吧女招待向我们推荐了一款好酒。)

4. The barmaid chatted with us during her break time.(酒吧女招待在休息时间与我们聊天。)

5. The barmaid was quite busy on Friday night.(酒吧女招待在星期五晚上非常忙碌。)

6. The barmaid wore a lovely dress.(酒吧女招待穿着一件可爱的裙子。)

7. The barmaid was the only person working in the bar.(酒吧女招待是酒吧里唯一工作的人。)

8. The barmaid gave us some peanuts as snacks.(酒吧女招待给我们提供了一些花生作为零食。)

9. The barmaid was patient and friendly to us.(酒吧女招待对我们非常耐心和友好。)


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