BlackBerry是什么意思 BlackBerry的读音、翻译、用法

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'BlackBerry'这个词语来源于加拿大英语,即加拿大黑莓公司制造的智能手机品牌。这个品牌的名字是由创始人之一的Frank Boulben提出的,他认为BlackBerry这个词可以代表高质量、品质保证和专业性。BlackBerry是一款拥有自己操作系统的智能手机,它的主打功能是快速的通讯和处理邮件,因此被称为商务人士的神器。


1. I used to love my BlackBerry, but now I've switched to an iPhone. (我过去很喜欢我的黑莓,但现在我已经换成了iPhone。)

2. John still uses his BlackBerry for work, even though everyone else in the office has an iPhone. (约翰仍然用他的黑莓工作,尽管办公室里的其他人都用的是iPhone。)

3. I miss the physical keyboard on my old BlackBerry. (我很怀念我旧的黑莓上的物理键盘。)

4. The BlackBerry was once the most popular smartphone for business users. (黑莓曾经是商务用户最流行的智能手机。)

5. My BlackBerry is acting up - I think I need to do a factory reset. (我的黑莓出了点问题 - 我想我需要进行一次恢复出厂设置。)

6. The BlackBerry keyboard is perfect for typing long emails. (黑莓键盘非常适合打长邮件。)

7. BlackBerry has fallen behind other smartphone brands in terms of popularity. (在人气方面,黑莓已经落后于其他智能手机品牌。)

8. I used to be able to type really fast with my BlackBerry, but now I'm slower with my touchscreen phone. (我以前用黑莓可以打得很快,但现在换成了触摸屏手机就慢了。)

9. Some diehard BlackBerry fans still swear by their phones, despite their decline in popularity. (一些铁杆黑莓粉丝仍然对他们的手机忠诚不已,尽管黑莓已经不再受欢迎。)


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