trek是什么意思 trek的读音、翻译、用法

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1. We're planning a trek in the Himalayas next year.(我们计划明年在喜马拉雅山徒步旅行。)

2. The trek to the summit was exhausting but worth it for the view.(攀登山顶的徒步旅行很累人,但是鸟瞰视野是值得的。)

3. They went on a trek through the rainforest, encountering all kinds of wildlife along the way.(他们穿越雨林进行了长途跋涉,在路上遇到了各种野生动物。)

4. The trek across the desert was grueling, with scorching temperatures and little water.(穿越沙漠的旅行非常辛苦,高温炎热而且缺乏水源。)

5. We packed light for the trek, bringing only the essentials.(我们为长途跋涉准备的行装很简单,只带了必要的东西。)

6. The trek leader gave us a briefing on what to expect and how to prepare.(徒步旅行领队给我们介绍了预期情况和准备工作。)

7. He documented his trek across the Andes in a series of stunning photographs.(他用一系列惊险的照片记录了自己穿越安第斯山脉的旅行。)

8. They're organizing a charity trek to raise funds for a local hospital.(他们正在组织一场慈善徒步旅行,为当地医院筹集资金。)

9. The trek took them through some of the most remote and beautiful parts of the country.(徒步旅行带领他们穿越了国家最偏远和美丽的地方。)


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